My Love to Stumble

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

I must go on and on about this site but I really must say it can be, not only a source of entertainment, but a source of inspiration on days of extreme writers block. StumbleUpon is it's name and random web surfing is it's game. The pure excitement is held in the wonder of what will come next!

While I can sit for hours and merely push a button, I find it challenging to pick a random word (with help of net based word generators) and share the most interesting finds of the day.

With the help of a search engine and the phrase 'random word' I found a nice generator to give me my first word.


The word I was given was poll and on my first guided stumble I came across the most interesting political website, I find it a little controversial but interesting to see the reasoning behind the choices made.


The second site stumbled upon offered an entertain and interactive look at topics ranging from autos to travel that everyone can vote on. seems like a great place to voice and opinion and kill some time.


Anonymous said...

Cool Stuff Rachel!!!

Anonymous said...

Good for you! It's amazing what we find, wandering around the web. It's such interesting brain food! :o)