25 Tips on Staying Married

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

I stumbled upon this beautiful bit of advice this afternoon and felt I should pass on the wisdom. Please feel free to do the same.

People younger than 30 know a lot about things I will never understand, but they don’t know much about marriage.

Take my young friend Steve. I met him a dozen years ago through my late husband, who was his high school chemistry teacher and basketball coach.

Of all the great kids we knew over the years, Steve was one of the finest — hardworking and solid — in class, on the court and in life. I’ll always be grateful for the eulogy he gave at my husband’s memorial service.

Steve got married recently, and for a wedding gift, I wanted to give him something he could actually use: Advice.

So, I sifted through years of experience, old columns and letters from readers to compile “25 Tips on How to Stay Married”:

1. Always put her first — before work, friends, even basketball. Act as if she’s the best thing that ever happened to you, because we all know she is.

2. Keep no secrets. Pool your money. Allow nothing and no one to come between you.

3. Pick your fights with care. Play fair. Show some class. Hurtful words can be forgiven, but they’re hard to forget.

4. Fall in love again every day. Kiss her in taxis. Flirt with her at parties. Tell her she’s beautiful. Then tell her again.

5. Never miss an anniversary or a birthday or a chance to make a memory. Memories may not seem important now, but one day they’ll be gold.

6. Never give her a practical gift. If she really wants a Shop-Vac, let her pick it out herself.

7. Go to church together, and pray every day for each other and your marriage.

8. Pay your bills on time and make sure you each have a living will, a durable power of attorney and life insurance, lest, God forbid, you need them.

9. Love her parents as your own, but don’t ask them for money. Never criticize her family or friends. On her birthday, send flowers to her mother with a note saying, “Thank you for giving birth to the love of my life.”

10. Always listen to her heart. If you’re wrong, say you’re sorry; if you’re right, shut up.

11. Don’t half-tie the knot; plan to stay married forever.

12. Never go to bed mad; talk until you’re over it, or you forget why you were mad.

13. Laugh together a lot. If you can laugh at yourselves, you’ll have plenty to laugh about.

14. Never criticize, correct or interrupt her in public; try not to do it in private, either.

15. Remember that people are the least lovable when they are most in need of love.

16. Never fall for the myth of perfectionism; it’s a lie.

17. When you don’t like each other, remember that you love each other; pray for the “good days” to return and they will.

18. Tell the truth, only the truth, with great kindness.

19. Kiss at least 10 seconds a day, all at once or spread out.

20. Memorize all her favorite things and amaze her with how very well you know her.

21. Examine your relationship as often as you change the oil in your car; keep steering it on a path you both want it to go.

22. Be content with what you have materially, honest about where you are emotionally, and never stop growing spiritually.

23. Never raise your voice unless you’re on fire. Whisper when you argue.

24. Be both friends and lovers; in a blackout, light a candle, then make your own sparks.

25. Finally, be an interesting person, lead your own life. But always save your best for each other. In the end, you will know you were better together than you ever could’ve been apart.

Friday Meme Fest

Author: R. Fast / Labels:



What is the weather like today where you live?
~ Sunny, Hot, Dry


On a scale of 1-10 with 10 being highest, how career-minded are you?
~ 8


What type of window coverings do you have in your home? Blinds, curtains, shutters, etc.?
~ Curtains

Main Course

Name something that instantly cheers you up.
~ Talking with my parents & friends


How many times do you hit the snooze button on a typical morning?
~ Not once


1. Birthdays are a day when you get to do what YOU want to do.

2. Winter is my favorite season because of Christmas.

3. I feel my best when I've exercised and am eating right.

4. Rice is my favorite food!

5. First impressions are lasting.

6. The best piece of advice I ever received was: be selfless.

7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to picking up my glasses, tomorrow my plans include a day alone while hubby visits family and Sunday, I want to go with the flow!

Brain State Challenge

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

Remember 10 beautiful/nice things
(Load your brain with positive emotions!)

  1. A beautiful sunrise
  2. Cuddling with someone you love
  3. A delicious meal
  4. The smells of Christmas
  5. Making someone smile
  6. Reading a good book
  7. A tropical island
  8. Fresh snow
  9. A field of wild flowers
  10. A rainbow

I challenge you to post YOUR 10!

The Best Line is...

Author: R. Fast / Labels: ,

The Heads or Tails challenge of the week is 'Line'. To continue on with my Stumbleupon search I've used a few variations of the word in order to get prime results.

The first stumble brings us to this mind boggling web game. Dubbed the Triangle Mystery, your goal is to be cunning enough to reveal the mystery at the end. Are you cunning enough?

Next we have The Most Complete and Most Useless Collection of Pick-Up Lines, boy that's a mouthful. A list sure to woo (I mean insult) any female (or male in some cases). A link to this and the latter are available by clicking the images below.

And finally a stumbled video titled, "LOOSE ENDS". Enjoy!

Adventures & Board Games

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

1. A smile is always welcome .
2. Trivial Pursuit is my favorite board game.
3. I would love to have more adventure in my life and less monotony.
4. When I think of the Summer Solstice, I think of a beach bonfire and dancing.
5. I just remembered I need to listen to some music before tomorrows concert.
6. One of my favorite song lyrics goes like this: It's not too late, it's never too late .
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to relaxation and perhaps grocery shopping with my hubby , tomorrow my plans include going to the Rock U expo and Sevendust concert and Sunday, I want to watch movie and bead!


Author: R. Fast / Labels:

1. 5 of your favorite cookies, (or cookie recipes.)

~ Chocolate Chip, I dare not share my secret recipe.
~ Chocolate Chip Oatmeal
~ Shortbread
~ Sugar Cookies
~ Gingersnaps

2. 5 things you’re afraid of.

~ Semi Trucks
~ Windows at night
~ Car Accidents
~ Spiders
~ Biological Warfare (28 Days Later kind of thing)

3. 5 things you would like to learn.

~ To play the Harp
~ Everything there is about Mythology
~ The answer to the ultimate question
~ How to scuba dive
~ The REAL truth behind at least one Government Conspiracy

4. 5 things you wanted to accomplish at the beginning of the year, but you haven’t yet done (if you have 5.)

~ Go back to school
~ Stick to an exercise routine
~ Get a great job
~ Cook an awesome new recipe
~ Go on a real vacation

5. 5 of your favorite things to do during the summer.

~ Got to the beach and search for shells and cool rocks
~ Frequent the seasonal stores for treasures
~ Go to summer carnivals and eat cotton candy
~ Get ice cream at sunset and eat it at the beach
~ Go for nature walks

Participate! Take5 Tuesday

Flower Power

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

(Please click the images to access links)

This weeks Heads Or Tails prompt is flower, which spurs another fabulous episode of StumbleUpon finds. With a little free association, I find the combinations 'flower-child', 'flower-girl', and 'flower-blossom' come to mind.

My first stumble finds me at an extensive list of flower meanings. Although the practice and general knowledge of this information is a thing of the past, creating a one-of-a-kind meaningful arrangement would be a romantic endeavor by any means.

I then happened upon this wonderful 'flower-child' inspired picture. I can just imagine how much this had to cost. Yet I wonder...does it get good gas millage LOL.

Lastly, but not without some fun, I found this awesome generator that can be sure to pass many a bored moment.

If you'd like to participate in todays and future Heads or Tails challenges, please click the image below.

Spy One, Part 1

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

He should have never been there in the first place. She had told him not to follow. He never listened. He hadn't listened to here since they were growing up together on her parents small farm. He froze as he heard the sound of scuffling footsteps and slid silently behind a folding hospital curtain near the door.

"Did you pack them all?" He couldn't make out who had said it. The voices seemed to blend and move from the same direction. He listened to the rattling of glass and liquid. The snapping of a latch and the crinkling of the paper on the examination table. He heard a distinguishable voice this time, "...all eighteen vials."

He held his breath as if it would help him become invisible as he heard them walking towards the door. He felt a cool breeze of perfume hit him as they walked out into the hallway. He sighed in relief, knowing he hadn't been caught. He peeked around the corner cautiously, hoping to catch a glimpse of where they had gone. He spied a bit of white lab coat going around the corner to the right and quickly followed after, quieting his sneakers as he went.

The hall still smelled of paper, pencil shavings and cafeteria food. It seemed strange for a mystery such as this to be unfolding in their small town school. He grew anxious as he rapidly approached the hall doors, his reflexion hazily bouncing off the dark blue lockers. He stopped sharp at the sound of the front doors suctioning shut. They had left. He must have been so preoccupied with being quiet that he missed them. He crouched down behind a short wall of frosted glass and watched as the 'doctor' and his dear friend climbed into the back of a white van and closed the door. He stared hard at the image and print on the side of it, trying to burn it into his memory. Villa Marina Charters and Fishing it read, surrounded by a blue buoy and a few sea gulls.

He needed a way to follow them, but how? He didn't have a car and his parents we're definitely not going to let him borrow a car. He spotted the maintenance department truck behind back. He wasn't sure if it had keys but it was worth a shot. He watched as the van turned right out of the parking lot before he raced towards the back exit. He crashed through the doors and let them slam shut, panting and running the entire way there. The bright sunny afternoon stung his eyes as he wrenched at the truck door. It popped open surprisingly easy and it sent him reeling back for a moment. The janitor had graciously left the keys in the visor and he slid into the front seat without apprehension. He had to be quick if he was going to catch them. If only he had listened to her. He wouldn't be in this mess. He should have left on the bus. It was to late for that now. He started the truck and backed out. He just had to know now. He just had to.

To be continued...

Feast #192

Author: R. Fast / Labels:


When you drink soda/pop/coke, do you prefer to drink it from the bottle, a can, or after pouring it into a cup?


What television show are you willing to stay up late to watch?


Name one person, place, or thing you think of as brilliant.

Main Course

Would you be willing to work 4 10-hour days instead of 5 8-hour days in order to save gas?


If you were a superhero, what would you call yourself?


~ I prefer a cup w/ ice and a straw.


~ Lost!!!


~ Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Empire, MI

Main Course

~ Absolutely


~ The Writer LOL (I really have no idea)

Friday Fill-Ins #75

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

1. Idle hands are the devils hands.
2. I love dancing in the shower.
3. My favorite time of the day is when I have the most energy.
4. The last tea I drank was Yogi Tea Peach Detox.
5. I like to enjoy refrigerated fruit in the Summer.
6. My mother always said I was the best behaved little kid.
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I’m looking forward to anything, tomorrow my plans include entertaining my father-in-law and enjoying some time alone when the guys go fishing and Sunday, I want to relax!

Participate! Friday Fill-Ins


Author: R. Fast / Labels:

Have your book-tastes changed over the years? More fiction? Less? Books that are darker and more serious? Lighter and more frivolous? Challenging? Easy? How-to books over novels? Mysteries over Romance?

I can't really say that my tastes have changed, they have more or less evolved. I still read the same genres yet tend to steer myself towards deeper works and read through pieces that have a greater impact on my writing styles. For example, I have gone from a juvenile stage of reading the Scary Stories series to reading H.P. Lovecraft.


Love Denied

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

Why does my love deny me so.
It leaves me lost,
in an overwhelming seas of despair.

His smile,
It lifts up my soul.
As if towards heaven.

An eternity of yearning,
recognized only by this weight.
So uncomfortable to bear.

Forever in wanting.
Forever I'll wait.


A Royal Find!

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

It's been quite some time since I've written a StumbleUpon post and todays Heads Or Tails challenge has given me the opportunity for some great stumbles. Todays challenge is 'royal' and can be interpreted anyway you pleas. It may conjure up images of castles and opulently dressed maidens or it may stir a visualization of vivid blues and graceful butterflies.

My first amazing stumble brings us to this beautiful piece of art by David Edwards. Please click the image for a larger view.

I also stumbled upon the Kingdomality Medieval Vocational Personality Test (boy that's a mouth full). I received The Benevolent Ruler as my Vocational Personality. Please, take the test and post your results as a comment! Perhaps we can create our own little kingdom!

If you'd like to participate in todays and future Heads or Tails challenges, please click the image below.

Unconscious Mutterings

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

1. Gossiping :: Gander
2. Misplaced :: Keys
3. Spaceship :: Captain
4. Ignore :: Me
5. Bodily :: Fluids
6. Tweezers :: weezers
7. Goodnight :: Moon
8. Curls :: Hair
9. Faucet :: Farrah
10. Right? :: Wrong

Participate! Unconcious Mutterings By LunaNina.com