American Accent - Quiz

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

What American accent do you have? (Best version so far)


You have a Northern accent. That could either be the Chicago/Detroit/Cleveland/Buffalo accent (easily recognizable) or the Western New England accent that news networks go for.

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I'm using this quiz as a challenge and I challenge:

Knitted Kitty
Isle Dance
Cornucopia Corner

What is your American Accent?


Anonymous said...

I have a western accent which I should since I was born and raised in California. However, Isledance thinks I'm sounding more and more Texan. LOL

Anonymous said...

I took it!! OMG. It said North Central. Freaky, huh? How can that be? I mean, I only lived there briefly as a child...while passing through on a long road trip. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Ohhh...I went back and looked at my results again. It says I could by mistaken for a Canadian at times. This is true. I do live nearer the border and spent time with Canadians/in Canada while growing up. And I'm guessing border towns kind of blend like that. :o) Phew. I was beginning to wonder. Hee.

Anonymous said...

Northern for me.
No surprise there since I've never lived anywhere else. Funny how there can be so many different accents in one country. I wonder how other countries are?