Nature & Memories

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

1. What are your favorite kinds of plant life (plants, flowers, etc)? Why?

2. Do you associate any memories with certain things (flowers, objects, etc)? Any you'd care to share?

3. By what method do you keep track of your memories (blogs, scrapbooks, etc)? If you don't do anything to preserve your memories, how do you keep track of them? Does it matter to you?

1. I love flowering vines...and ivy. There's just something about watching them reach for the sky and spreading over an entire surface.

2. Absolutely! Mostly smells and songs. Like the smell of sunblock, especially Hawaiian Tropic. It brings back memories of my mother taking me to the beach and singing along to the radio with the windows down in the car.

3. I like to 'relive' old memories by going to the places where they happened or incorporating some of the remembered objects into my daily life.

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