Manual Labor Redux

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

Scenario: You’ve just bought some complicated gadget home . . . do you read the accompanying documentation? Or not?

Do you ever read manuals?

How-to books?

Self-help guides?

Anything at all?

I almost always read the owners manual. Especially for new kitchen appliances, they sometimes offer great alternative uses and recipes (I purchased a toaster oven which came with a great recipe for mini pizzas!) I love how-to frugality books, household tip books and self-help personality test books. However, I'm not to keen on self-help health or mental health books. Often times I find the information to be based on a fad that tends to be disproved or goes out of date.



Anonymous said...

Interesting point on the self help books for health. Someone else commented that she books she is trying to read for her depression are only making her feel worse, which is sort of connected to what you are saying. The thing I like about some "mental health" self help books is that encourage you to examine your feeling and work through them. I always feel a disconnect between my feelings and the actual reason why I am feeling them.

Anonymous said...

Now when John Wayne rode in to town to tackle the cattle barons in their fancy Eastern Style ranches you never see anyone struggling with a flat pack manual. Yet mail order catalogues took off in the 19th century so did the fancy furniture arrive all made up? We need an answer!!