The Witch Next Door (part 1)

Author: R. Fast / Labels:

The town of Cherry River lay nestled amongst the ancient trees of the New England region. It had hardly been disturbed by outsiders for ages and the towns people had grown quite accustomed to that very fact. They knew that the postman, a one Mr. Winklemen, lived on the corner of Main St and Greenwood Ln. They knew exactly when he delivered the mail and that he liked his cookies with walnuts and no raisins. They knew that every Saturday afternoon the ladies club would hold their tea party in the extravagant garden of the local cafe, owned by Mr. and Mrs. Ellowin. They also knew that the men could be found every Friday evening at Dr. Swanson's estate enjoying homemade brandywine and discussing the things that men do such dabble in. And the most important of all, they knew that Ms. Eliza Appleby lived in the last house before the wood and that Ms. Appleby was a witch.

Now, the townsfolk were quite content with this fact, even the doctor in a manner of speaking. When the folks knew what ailed them could not be cured by the simple means of modern day medicine they turned to Ms. Appleby for the answers.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see you writing again!! Please don't make us wait too long for part two!!!

Anonymous said...

Love it!! Can't wait to see what's next.

Anonymous said...

Ooo...I can't wait to read more of this. I love it!